








This is addressing some claims from twitter user Asch@glamplres and/or those associated. My boyfriend Akira is mentioned as well as my tellonym. Here is a link to the tellonym. Forewarning, there is sui baiting in the responses. I address that here. Potential TW for misgendering and talk of the BLM movement and related petitions

To start, I am obviously an avid supporter of the lgbtq+ community as well as BLM.
I misgendered Asch in a public reply to something his boyfriend said on twitter. This was genuinely a mistake and I attempted to apologize to Asch for misgendering him but he never messaged me so I could not do so. I had no other way to contact him and if he had messaged me, I would have already given him his apology with absolutely no problems.
However, I would also like to note that I was misgendered multiple times by those who affiliate with him. Upon our last encounter, my bio stated it/it's was my preferred pronoun and only one person used them.
Regardless, I attempted and did what I could on my part to apologize. If Asch ever sees this, I apologize again here and now. It was genuinely a mistake. I know how hurtful what I did is and I do not expect any kind of forgiveness. If you could message me so I can properly apologize, I would be more than grateful.
Secondly, there have been multiple claims about me being racist. I will address one here. The issue with me using the name Ryou is addressed here.
I was called racist by people over tell for misgendering Asch. As politely as possible, I must stress that these two things are not correlated. I was called racist for misgendering Asch and having BLM in my bio. Tells were saying to take it out as I do not support trans lives, which are included in black lives. I wholly agree that black trans lives matter, however, I myself used to identify as trans. I stopped because I am intersex and feel that doesn't necessarily make me trans. I still do not identify with my birth given gender so do with that what you will.
Eventually, Akira, who helped respond to the sheer number of tells, started linking petitions instead of giving a genuine response as he felt it was a better use of the onslaught of tells to bring attention to the petitions rather than myself. Someone pointed out that petitions "do nothing" and it was racist to link them. If it genuinely was racist to do so, Akira and I both apologize for this action and will do better in any way we can.
We will still continue to share any resources/crowd funds/petitions we come across, as we have always done, but neither of us will post petitions in the answers of tells in the future. However, petitions are an important source to help any cause and I would like to highlight their importance as a minor with no money in an unsupporting household. Signing petitions, spreading knowledge, and teaching others, as well as sharing anything I can is all I can do right now.

I am not racist nor transphobic. Misgendering Asch was a genuine mistake and I apologize. If linking petitions in response to tells was problematic, Akira and I apologize and we will not do it again.

This is addressing some claims from twitter user Asch@glamplres and/or those associated. My boyfriend Akira is mentioned as well as a few people close to Asch. Their usernames are mentioned as they are.
Potential TW for lobotomies, doxing, and transphobia,

A claim against me is for stalking Asch and his associates.
I have addressed this situation multiple times in the past and have made a public apology before, as well as multiple private apologies to Asch for harassment.
Akira and I have both made it clear on multiple accounts that we are not intentionally stalking Asch and do nothing more than search up his usernames to block him when we make new accounts. We do this for our own safety as whenever an account of ours is "discovered" by him or his friends, we immediately face an onslaught of harassment in our dms and tells.
This leads us to believe our information is shared either publicly or among themselves. we do not know for sure as, once again, we have Asch's accounts blocked and we do not check.
The only time we do what they consider "stalk" is when there is something actively happening, like during our last confrontation. At that point, we search and see what is being said about either of us so we can address it.
This has become a necessity as now, multiple people have posted my private information as well as photos of me with defacing (and untrue) captions like "Damn the correlation of transphobes being ugly as fuck is still true as hell LMAO"(source:@gankgar on twitter, Asch's boyfriend) I have made pending reports for these posts to twitter already but still, this is not okay behavior for adults upwards of 20 to be doing to a minor. There has been talk of finding my IP address, doxing me, and saying I "need to be lobotomized"(source:@gothtw1nkz on twitter, Asch's friend). This behavior is obviously disgusting and we would not be aware of any of this without looking whilst confrontation is occurring. I must stress. On an average day, when nothing is happening, we do not check because we respect Asch's privacy. Constantly checking his replies/accounts/usernames daily is an invasion of privacy and entirely unnecessary.
To reiterate once more. We do not stalk Asch or his associates. The only time we look at what he and his friends are doing is when we are getting actively harassed.

Akira and I do not stalk Asch or his friends. The only time we check his replies is when something is actively happening as it's for our own safety.

This is addressing some claims from twitter user Asch@glamplres and/or those associated. My boyfriend Akira is mentioned, as well as my system, the sabbath system, Asch's friend Cam (@ratbitchgenius on twitter), and my tellonym. here is a link to the tellonym. Forewarning, there is sui baiting in the responses. Potential TW for talk of suicide, telling people to k*ll themself, doxing, drugs, and misgendering.

This will address my behavior in my last confrontation with Asch.
After getting about 50 tells all claiming that I was harassing Asch and I was transphobic and racist, after my private information and face were publicly posted with lies, after being triggered by Cam telling me to "go smoke weed" (drugs are a serious trigger for me. They were not aware of this but I was triggered regardless), and after getting people coming to the comments on my public Instagram harassing me, I was reaching a limit.
I had already at this point requested Asch and co. stop and told Asch's boyfriend that I would apologize if Asch dmed me. I even limited tells to registered users and upped the filters to get less tells like this. This did not stop them, however, and Asch never messaged me.
At this point, multiple people in my system were upset/triggered so we resorted to telling people to kill themselves.
This is disgusting behavior and we do not condone it. We all deeply regret that we came to that point and we are very sorry this is the first time we are addressing it.
If anyone we affected or negatively harmed would like to message us, we would be more than happy to personally apologize to you for this action.
This one-time instance was a result of us all being pushed past our limit. We are not excusing our behavior and we do not expect forgiveness, this is simply why it happened. It will not happen again.
Moving forward, we (the sabbath system as well as Akira) will be avoiding anything to do with Asch or any of his friends to prevent offending them in some way. If confrontation arises again, Akira, as well as some of the adult alters, will be working to keep away any potentially "sensitive" alters and clear up any problems as fast and as efficiently as possible for the sake of our mental health.
Once again, we are deeply sorry for this and would love to give each and every person we hurt by doing this an apology so please message us if you are looking for one.

We told multiple people to kill themselves after reaching a breaking point mentally. We are deeply sorry for this and already have a plan in place to prevent this from happening again. We do not expect forgiveness, this is simply an explanation. If we hurt you, please message us and we will personally apologize to you as your life is of utmost importance.